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Will Bitcoin Hit 100k This Year?

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Have you heard of ‘Plan B’? Well Plan B is the creator of the most accurate price prediction model in the world for Bitcoin, called the Stock-to-Flow model. It compares Bitcoin to other scarce commodity assets like gold, oil, real estate, etc.

(You can read up about the Stock-to-Flow model here, but be warned, it is very technical.)

The Stock-to-Flow model has predicted the price of Bitcoin over the last decade with unbelievable accuracy.

And the next phase of the model predicts that the average price of Bitcoin over the next couple of years will be more than $100k.

While currently, Bitcoin is trading around $48k.

Will Bitcoin hit $100k or above in the next 6-12 months?

Well, it doesn’t really matter….

Not for me anyway.

Now if Bitcoin does hit $100k or above, that’ll be great for me because I’ll make a whole lotta money…

…even if it stays relatively flat for the next year, or even if it goes down, I’ll still profit by thousands of dollars.

That is because I am using a crypto grid trading system.

What exactly is Grid Trading? And how could it earn you profit?

Check out the image below. It’s an oversimplified explanation of the process for the sake of time…

WIMI - The Plan - Trading Grid

The chart above is a typical trading grid.

The line moving up and down represents the price of an asset.

The green lines represent buy orders.

The red lines represent sell orders.

A simple way to understand a grid trading bot is that when the price crosses a green line, it buys a little bit of the asset. When it crosses a red line, it sells a little bit of the asset for a profit.

Dan Hollings has taught many students how to set up these bots. Dan Hollings has been training students how to profit from cryptos for some time now.

What makes Dan’s grid trading method so extremely profitable and effective?

There are two things…

1) Crypto is very volatile. Take Bitcoin for example. Its price fluctuates up and down hundreds, if not thousands of dollars every single day. While Bitcoin is amongst the least volatile coins on the market.

This volatility, or as Dan likes to call it “wiggle” creates tons of buying and selling opportunities each day for your bots.

2) From years of experience, Dan has figured out the precise settings and strategies for Grid Trading bots that significantly increase your results.

Why Grid Trading?

If you have already accepted the risk to own a volatile and speculative asset like Crypto, then Grid Trading makes a lot of sense.

If you currently own crypto, you likely just have it sitting in cold storage doing nothing for you. Earning squat! Like bank interest – ZERO.

With Grid Trading, you are putting that asset to work, to earn you more and more crypto (or even dollars if you prefer) each and every day.

It’s just Like Renting Out A House

That’s right. An easy way to understand grid trading crypto is by comparing it to renting out a house.

If you owned an investment property, would you just let it sit empty waiting for the prices of real estate to go up before you sell it?

Probably not…

You’d rent it out to someone who pays you rent money month after month.

And that’s kind of what grid trading is like… letting your Bitcoin and other cryptos pay you “rent” while you wait for the prices to go up before you sell for a big profit.*

And it doesn’t even matter if the price of Bitcoin goes down. You are still getting paid that “rent.”

Does that make sense?

Even if it doesn’t, I’ve got good news for you.

Dan Hollings (has taught many students how to set this up in under 30 minutes), has a short video of how he does this here.

You don’t want to miss this. students have been making between $500 – $1000 every day doing this, the way Dan’s system teaches you to do it.

To learn more about Dan’s Plan by going to this page.

* Results are based only on the experiences of a small number of individuals. You should not construe any such information as investment, financial, or other advice. Your experience may be affected by your background, education, and/or experience, as well as external factors beyond your control. Your results may vary.

Crypto is Volatile… So, how can you capitalize on it?

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Cryptos are still very volatile because they are so new to financial markets. The granddaddy of them all…Bitcoin is all of 12 years old! It didn’t even have a value until 2011 when a guy paid 20,000 bitcoins for 2 pizzas. Today those pizzas would have cost US$600,000,000.

Even Ethureum (the #2 crypto) is still in its infancy, having been created in only 2014. Since then there have been over 10,000 other cryptocurrencies created…

…most of them are trash tokens though!

The point I’m making here for you is that cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy. It’s still very early days for this new paradigm shift to occur.

It wasn’t until 2017 when cryptocurrencies piqued the public interest, when Bitcoin has a bull run, rocketing to nearly US$20,000. Mostly due to a lot of FOMO…Fear Of Missing Out!

Then in early 2021, we had another crypto bull run recently. Bitcoin climbed to over $63,000, ETH went up to $2,317 according to CNBC. As you know, that didn’t end well for people trying to buy low and sell high… again.

Now the crypto market has pulled back to around US$42,000. Before many industry pundits expected another bull run later in 2021 into 2022. So fasten your seatbelts!

So, volatility is what cryptocurrencies are all about at this stage.

If you want to learn how to take advantage of this volatility, then I have some really exciting news to tell you…

So, let me tell you about Dan Hollings…

Dan Hollings is the marketing genius behind the revolutionary – Law of Attraction – documentary “The Secret”.

He has now helped to develop a new technique for capitalizing on the micro-scale volatility of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. He calls his new technique “The Plan”.

Essentially, “The Plan” is a training course that takes you on a deep dive into a crypto trading strategy, attached to real-world trading software.

To date, everyone (self-included) who has worked this strategy has made seriously amazing returns (mostly starting within minutes).

The automated software trades the micro-scale volatility of crypto pairs at low risk, making the concept simple and easy to understand…even for a novice.

Back when the crypto market was crashing due to Elon Musk’s tweet in May this year, “The Plan” was turning in validated returns of 10%, 18%, 24% even 87% for participants in the same weeks.*

For “The Plan” members, volatility is an essential component of the system.

So, bring on VOLATILITY!

As always there are risks with any financial trading. No promises. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. However, “The Plan” helps to minimize those risks for you.

When have you ever seen a tool that makes money for you whether the market is going up, going down, or going sideways?

That means that when the market jumps up in value, you win. And when it drops in value, you win again. You win because of its volatility.

…and A LOT of money at that.

This is a system (training and software) that allows you to profit from the volatility that is the very essence of something as new and revolutionary as cryptocurrencies.

My good friend Melanie Shaw is one of only a very small number of people who have access to this new system…”The Plan”.

To learn more about “The Plan” check it out for yourself.

* Results are based only on the experiences of a small number of individuals. You should not construe any such information as investment, financial, or other advice. Your experience may be affected by your background, education, and/or experience, as well as external factors beyond your control. Your results may vary.

The Beginning of the Crypto Revolution

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Whether you’ve been paying close attention to the latest developments in the crypto world like I have (or not), I’m sure that you’ve heard some news about it from friends, family, or even social media. The crypto revolution has arrived.

One thing I pride myself on is spotting trends and being at the forefront of them taking off. Because of this, I’ve spotted and taken advantage of knowledge and opportunities that most people haven’t seen coming. The good news is, you’re reading this now and if you haven’t learnt much about how cryptos are going to change the way we live, then now you will!

Here are just some examples of major headlines that give us an insight into how big this change is going to be:

Japan’s largest online brokerage, SBI Holdings, is launching a crypto fund for ordinary investors that could attract hundreds of millions of dollars.

A former deputy governor of India’s central bank has called for cryptocurrencies to be accepted as assets or commodities under existing laws.

El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender.

Panama’s government has introduced legislation to legalize cryptocurrencies.

The Cuban government published a resolution to recognize and regulate cryptocurrencies, citing “reasons of socio-economic interest. The country’s $3 billion annual revenue from remittances — ex-pats sending money home to family— has shrunk as over 400 Western Union locations closed, further limiting access to cash. In response, many Cubans have turned to crypto as a cheaper and more reliable way to send and save money. Some citizens, like photographer Gabriel Guerra Bianchini, are optimistic about what the resolution could mean: “This is bigger than just making money. This is really freedom.”

This is a very small sample of how crypto is making waves in the finance industry, and very soon, world economies!

In my opinion, this COULD BE one of the greatest opportunities we’ve ever seen.

The problem is that most people involved in cryptocurrency try to “buy low & sell high.” That’s far too risky! While new people who are just getting started are simply too overwhelmed and do not know where to start.

Dan Hollings is different. It involves buying & selling crypto minute-by-minute in an easy & automated way (that even a complete crypto newbie can start almost immediately).

So, if you are interested in learning about the ONLY *virtually* risk-free strategy I’ve found to invest in crypto and make profits (even when everyone else is losing money)…

To learn more about Dan’s Plan then check out ‘The Plan‘ for yourself. You won’t be disappointed!

* Results are based only on the experiences of a small number of individuals. You should not construe any such information as investment, financial, or other advice. Your experience may be affected by your background, education, and/or experience, as well as external factors beyond your control. Your results may vary.

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