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Whether you’ve been paying close attention to the latest developments in the crypto world like I have (or not), I’m sure that you’ve heard some news about it from friends, family, or even social media. The crypto revolution has arrived.

One thing I pride myself on is spotting trends and being at the forefront of them taking off. Because of this, I’ve spotted and taken advantage of knowledge and opportunities that most people haven’t seen coming. The good news is, you’re reading this now and if you haven’t learnt much about how cryptos are going to change the way we live, then now you will!

Here are just some examples of major headlines that give us an insight into how big this change is going to be:

Japan’s largest online brokerage, SBI Holdings, is launching a crypto fund for ordinary investors that could attract hundreds of millions of dollars.

A former deputy governor of India’s central bank has called for cryptocurrencies to be accepted as assets or commodities under existing laws.

El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender.

Panama’s government has introduced legislation to legalize cryptocurrencies.

The Cuban government published a resolution to recognize and regulate cryptocurrencies, citing “reasons of socio-economic interest. The country’s $3 billion annual revenue from remittances — ex-pats sending money home to family— has shrunk as over 400 Western Union locations closed, further limiting access to cash. In response, many Cubans have turned to crypto as a cheaper and more reliable way to send and save money. Some citizens, like photographer Gabriel Guerra Bianchini, are optimistic about what the resolution could mean: “This is bigger than just making money. This is really freedom.”

This is a very small sample of how crypto is making waves in the finance industry, and very soon, world economies!

In my opinion, this COULD BE one of the greatest opportunities we’ve ever seen.

The problem is that most people involved in cryptocurrency try to “buy low & sell high.” That’s far too risky! While new people who are just getting started are simply too overwhelmed and do not know where to start.

Dan Hollings is different. It involves buying & selling crypto minute-by-minute in an easy & automated way (that even a complete crypto newbie can start almost immediately).

So, if you are interested in learning about the ONLY *virtually* risk-free strategy I’ve found to invest in crypto and make profits (even when everyone else is losing money)…

To learn more about Dan’s Plan then check out ‘The Plan‘ for yourself. You won’t be disappointed!

* Results are based only on the experiences of a small number of individuals. You should not construe any such information as investment, financial, or other advice. Your experience may be affected by your background, education, and/or experience, as well as external factors beyond your control. Your results may vary.